Game #244: Syr Konrad the Grim

Game #244 : Syr Konrad the Grim
Date: 2019-11-28
Location: Red Castle Games, Portland, OR
vs: Xantcha; Sidar Kondo/Vial-Smasher; Marchesa
Result: Fun Loss

Note: Due to Backlog, and temporal distance, these recaps will be short

I came within one mana of winning on turn 6 after Mortality shifting down to a single card in my library and dealing 29 damage to everything. If I had one more mana I could have used an Empty the Catacombs to win.  Instead I died to Anvil of Bogardan the next turn. It was a risky move, but it was a very fun game.  I also had an early Urborg/Cabal Coffers

About the Deck (TappedOut — Someday): Syr Konrad is my favorite card from Eldraine. Mortality Shift is silly with him.  The rest of the deck is about shifting creatures between zones, because that’s what Konrad wants.